Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la pertinence de l’ADN tumoral circulant, ou la détection de séquences méthylées pour le suivi de des patients atteints de cancer ?
Voici une sélection de publications d’intérêt.
S. Garrigou and others, ‘A Study of Hypermethylated Circulating Tumor DNA as a Universal Colorectal Cancer Biomarker’, Clinical Chemistry, (2016), 62.8 , 1129–39.
F. Garlan and others, ‘Early Evaluation of Circulating Tumor DNA as Marker of Therapeutic Efficacy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients (PLACOL Study)’, Clin Cancer Res (2017) 23 (18): 5416–5425.
J.B. Bachet and others, ‘RAS mutation analysis in circulating tumor DNA from patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: the AGEO RASANC prospective multicenter study’, Annals of Oncology (2018), 29 (5), 1211-1219
L. Benhaim and others, ‘Circulating tumor DNA is a prognostic marker of tumor recurrence in stage II and III colorectal cancer: multicentric, prospective cohort study (ALGECOLS), Eur J of Cancer (2021), 159, 24-33
J. Taieb and others ‘Prognostic Value and Relation with Adjuvant Treatment Duration of ctDNA in Stage III Colon Cancer: a Post Hoc Analysis of the PRODIGE-GERCOR IDEA-France Trial’, Clin Cancer Res (2021);27:5638–46
D. Pietrasz and others, ‘Prognostic value of circulating tumour DNA in metastatic pancreatic cancer patients: post-hoc analyses of two clinical trials’, British Journal of Cancer (2022), 126(3), 440-448.
G. Beinse and others, ‘Highly Specific Droplet-Digital PCR Detection of Universally Methylated Circulating Tumor DNA in Endometrial Carcinoma’ Clinical Chemistry (2022), 68(6), 782-793.